I try to accomplish a little something every day
My Mom
I have done a number of surveys and tests to define my values. The one that comes up for me loud and clear is accomplishment. Even though I don't really want it to be one of my values. It feels like striving without purpose. I suppose, looking at it as a positive, it is hopeful and giving each day purpose no matter how small.
Perhaps if I look at accomplishment as the action steps needed to follow through on other values like authenticity and connection that makes it a bit of a positive in the bigger picture.
I know I have used accomplishment in the past as an escape mechanism. Keeping myself so busy accomplishing random tasks that I didn't have time to think about my life. During those times accomplishment was not a positive it was a way to hide myself, so I didn't have to address what was or was not working in my life.
I, personally, need to be very careful with accomplishment, to use it for good and not to escape real life. Tasks are not more important than people... ever.
As with most everything it is the intention that is the deciding factor. If accomplishment is being used for good-aligning with other values and giving life purpose or for evil-escaping from life and hiding behind the armor of business.
Maybe, with the right intention, accomplishment is purpose-hope and grace in action.